Illusions Unveiled

Illusions Unveiled

Harmony is a balance unsettled — a  verity in the disguise of a  taradiddle . For  formerly, I ask you to truly  suppose What's the meaning of peace? What has averted you from  passing this so- called harmony? When stability is within reach,  commodity  contemporaneously snaps at your heels to make you forget about it in the first place. Why is that?   

Every time it seems like life is eventually going good, all of a  unforeseen, society becomes consumed by some external influence. In  substance; unjust wars  mandated by a select many,  financial  programs that make the rich richer, while poor folk get dragged deeper in debt, the  legislated legislation that further controls your  studies and movement But you do n’t see them as that. You see ‘ justified ’ wars as a means to  cover your freedom, a sound  profitable system  erected to  guard your  plutocrat in times of  fermentation, and laws that serve to  profit the public.   

You can not escape the facade. You live in a dream world corrupted by  potty influence. To be fair, I do n’t indeed  condemn you for believing all the contemptible  effects placed in front of you. For all the gyroplane and underhanded  effects that be to you, all of it has been  consummately woven into intricate  scripts that make it nearly  insolvable to uncover. No matter how  numerous prayers you deliver to your Gods in hunt of mercy and strength in these times of corruption, all that you admit is  difficulty and obligatory  offerings.   

I supplicate you to suppose — if not the what or the why to my question (s), the  factual query you should be asking and the answer you should be seeking is in  respects to who. Who's the one that tips the scales in Lady Justice’s hands?   

When you find out whom, the  mystification pieces begin to fall into place. The deeper you claw into the said  existent, the  further the curtain  fleetly draws back to reveal a reality that's so agitating that you would hide in the crevasse of an  ocean if you could. But you would n’t. You would  grovel and watch in horror as the play of life itself unfolds in front of you. You would sit  frontal row, observing the brilliance of each  politic initiative that pits people against one another, gashes  piecemeal artistic  individualities and  testaments, and witnessing the  disguised iron fist of the establishment.   

Your  bitsy little brain can not indeed begin to  sound the sheer magnitude of deception laid in front of you. therefore, I do n’t indeed know why I'm trying so hard to make you actually  suppose. I could give you  multitudinous hints and present it all on a  tableware server, and yet, you would still question its  legality. What a  study! Society has come so deathly  delicate from the  quantum of manipulation that reality is indefinitely questionable. Strategy and medication made this  veritably set of circumstances possible! From the  diurnal consumption of media the public inputs to the societal  morals that makes one question longstanding culture, it all is a domino effect. Simply put, you have come a character in Orwell’s 1984. You're basically Winston Smith! Deny it all you want, but from the very moment you were born, you have come  instructed with ideas and beliefs that profiteer Big Family.   

Your education system is maintained to  produce workers rather than to  produce  originators. You'll come an castaway if you go against the crowd in any hand of life, likely  criminated and  locked ( depending on how  important you ’re willing to stretch for the  verity). It's within moments like these, when your acquiescence makes me sick to my stomach,  also I flash back  that it was meant to play out this way. Realize that  moment’s victors can rewrite history to whatever they so choose!   In this dangerous world where innocently spoken words and  conduct are transgressed into a slight against the state, I recommend you just shut up. I ’ll put this honest advice nicely hold your opinions in silence, for your  studies will one day come too loud to ignore. The last thing that you  presumably want is the anxiety of being under close surveillance and losing your freedoms, no? Well, make sure you support the ruling class in all their  opinions and no  detriment will come to you or your loved bones.

You know, I should make this fair. Just  formerly, at least! I feel I'm just running  stages around your finite imagination, and what’s the fun in making this a one- sided battle?   

Can you picture my mischievous boo right now?   

I'm revealing this so you can understand the generations it took to arrive then with true ultimate power and because, at this point, you can no longer  repel what comes. The power of the people has  downscaled to the point that revealing this to you no longer jeopardizes The Project. So, I shall tell you now   I'm the bone.

I'm the one pulling the strings. I'm the master puppeteer that controls you. Starting all the way back from my Great, Great Grandfather, JonathanP. Harrington, to the generations after till present time, the Harrington name has generated mass  influx, the true foundation of power. Through this, the Harrington prowess has established the base for humanity’s actuality across the globe by corrupting your politicians, lobbyists, the public’s integrity, so on and so forth. I would explain in detail each step my family took to get to this pedestal; still, that would be a waste of my breath. nonetheless, be  apprehensive of the counteraccusations; the world is a  Cockaigne for my family and I, and a decrepit dystopia for you and yours. But, just know, this is for the better you would n’t enjoy this serene supremacy. It's much better for you to believe you have freedom, indeed when you have strict rules to oppressyou.However, you'll do it and admire it, If I so choose to make you  deteriorate and bow down before me. Unquestioningly. You aren't free; you're my slave. noway, and I mean  noway, suppose you're different than that. You'll  observe my every command, speak when spoken to, and believe what I lay before you. reprise IT TO ME. I'll  observe your every command, speak when spoken to, and believe what you lay before me.   

Now, my people, live your days in happiness, for you do n’t need to worry about life’s  agonies I'll take care of all that for you.  nonetheless, be  apprehensive of the counteraccusations ; the world is a  Cockaigne for my family and I, and a decrepit dystopia for you and yours. But, just know, this is for the better you would n’t enjoy this serene supremacy. It's much better for you to believe you have freedom, indeed when you have strict rules to oppressyou.However, you'll do it and admire it, If I so choose to make you  deteriorate and bow down before me. Unquestioningly. You aren't free; you're my slave. noway, and I mean  noway, suppose you're different than that. You'll  observe my every command, speak when spoken to, and believe what I lay before you. reprise IT TO ME. I'll  observe your every command, speak when spoken to, and believe what you lay before me.   Now, my people, live your days in happiness, for you do n’t need to worry about life’s  agonies I'll take care of all that for you.


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